Friday, August 21, 2009

Grilled Vegetable Panzanella (bread salad) recipe

In summer, I love having grilled vegetables. The charred flavor always just tastes like summer to me. Even though I fully enjoy grilled vegetables, sometimes you just need a change. My fix is easy- vegetable panzanella. This is a generally Italian way of using up stale bread. The recipe is quite simple:

2 cups grilled vegetables, chopped or sliced (I like red peppers, onions, and tomatoes as a base, add in others that you have such as summer squash and zucchini)

1 cup cubed stale good-quality bread (I let mine sit out for a day or two in the bakery bag)

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon vinegar (red wine or cider)
salt and pepper to taste
fresh herbs, chopped (optional- try basil or oregano)

Just mix together the vegetables and bread, then toss with the vinaigrette. That's it! Enjoy your summer's bounty, just about any veggies will work. Feel free to add your own touches, maybe some roasted garlic in the vinaigrette? Please share if you like this...

1 comment:

Nicole Feliciano said...

I did a squash recipe to share--there is so much of it right now. I'll have to try working it into this recipe. Hope you'll stop by Momtrends and link up:


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