Thursday, September 10, 2009

SOLE Food Frugally

Since deciding to incorporate more SOLE food (Sustainable, Organic, Local, Ethical) in our cooking, I have struggled with the knowledge that it can be more expensive. Eating healthy can be cheaper than conventionally, especially when it means you're cutting out processed/ packaged *food.* However, making the change to good meats, fresh raw dairy products, and the like, can quickly break the bank unless you're careful. Here are some of my tips on how we are transitioning, with links to some great sites who know so much more than me!

  1. Consider a local CSA for your produce, or even meats, dairy products, etc. If your area doesn't have CSAs, you might still be able to buy these foods straight from local farms, or at farmer's markets. Buying from the farms is not only local (obviously!) and more sustainable, but often much more frugal than trying to find these foods at a regular grocery store. Buying meat in bulk can really save money, and some farms offer plans where you pay a bit every month during the spring and summer for meat butchered in the fall.
  2. Smart shopping- decide what is most important for your family, and splurge on these items (often meat and dairy.) Try to save money on other items, paying as little as possible and stocking up when you find a good price on an item (such as buying whole grain flours and baking supplies around Christmas and other baking seasons.) Also, try to buy local produce in season- it's not only cheaper, but it tastes better too.
  3. DIY- make as many foods as you can at home. Baked goods are easy, and not too time-consuming once you are accustomed to them. Again, this will not just save money, but will also result in healthier foods for your family. If you don't already, definitely start gardening- there is nothing more fulfilling than cooking with vegetables that you grew yourself. This is a great way to bring kids on board.

How do you save money and still provide healthy food for your family?

I am happy to post this at Pennywise Platter Thursday- check it out for more great posts on frugal and fantastic healthy food!

This post is also at Food Renegade's Fight Back Friday- chock full of great posts on real food!

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1 comment:

Kimi @ The Nourishing Gourmet said...

I agree with your points! Thanks so much for sharing as part of the carnival. :-)


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