Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thanksgiving Thursday 6/3

Welcome to the second Thanksgiving Thursday (TT) here at Make A Home Mom! I started TT so I would have a place to give thanks for all that God has given to me. I would love for you to share all that you're grateful for each week.

Just post a comment with a link to a post you've written which deals with being thankful. Then, in that post, I just ask that you link back to this post so everyone can find their way around. If you don't have a blog, just share what you're giving thanks for in the comments.

In a few weeks, I will have a linky for this, but for now I will just add the comments in a list manually. Thanks for coming and sharing!


This week I am especially grateful for Mr. Shelley. He is a wonderful man, who always forgives me for my mistakes. He stands by me when I least deserve it, and supports my wishes and whims. This week he got a full dump truck load of dirt for my new gardening beds, and dug up half the yard for me so the grass and weeds wouldn't be in my bed. All this- after coming home from work! And when it rained in the middle of his job, he came inside- and then went back out to finish (after dinner, in the late evening!)

He is always willing to watch the kids for me when he comes home from work- taking them for mile-long wagon rides so that I can get work done. And every week he watches them at home while I go to the grocery store, or comes with us and waits while I go in. He is always willing to help me, even when he is tired from his own work. He supports me, in my quest for healthy eating, and will tell Big Boy that a certain food in an ad is "yucky" because it's something I don't want him eating. I know that he appreciates my time in the kitchen cooking, and he will always complement my food (even when it's less than worthy!)

I am so grateful that God saw fit to give me this man to spend my life with. I cannot believe how lucky I am to have this man for my own- a man who loves me and supports me even when I don't deserve it.


Now it's your turn! Please share your links in the comments, and I will post them below. Grab my button from the box in my sidebar if you wish.

For these first few weeks I will add links through the weekend so that word can get out.

Format: Please post in the comments, at the least, Name @ Your Site (Name of Post) i.e. Shelley @ MAHM (Thanksgiving Thursdays)

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