Monday, December 14, 2009

Natural Sprouted-Flour Cookies with variations

New Butter Cookie Dough

(makes about 30, depending on size)

1/4 lb. butter
2 hard boiled egg yolks- secret ingredient
3 Tablespoons sucanat
1-2 eggs, beaten (if planning on rolling the dough out I use two, the dough holds together better)
1 cup sprouted flour (I used plain hard wheat)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract- the real one, not imitation

Heat oven to 320 degrees F. Cream the butter until smooth, and add in the egg yolks and sugar (I like to push the yolks through a sieve to break them up, or try a fork.) When well mixed, add in the eggs and combine. Add in the flour, and vanilla, combining together well. I like to form these by rolling in a log and wrapping in plastic wrap or parchment, then chilling in the fridge. This way, I can make the dough and the cookies on two different days, and the dough can just be sliced off with a sharp knife into thin rounds. Made this way, the cookies hold together well and cook evenly, in just about 12 minutes.

After combining well, you may also divide the dough into equal portions (four portions if planning on using all the following variations.) Refrigerate at least 3 hours until firm, or for up to 1 week.
This dough may be rolled and cut, or shaped as desired. Bake at 325 degrees for about 12-15 minutes depending on thickness.

Variations: Orange-Chocolate; Ginger-Spice; Snowballs

1 Tablespoon orange zest (organic oranges recommended)
2 oz. bittersweet chocolate, melted
Add in the zest to the cookie dough. When cookies are baked cool on rack, then drizzle melted chocolate on top.

2 teaspoons ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice (may substitute 1/4 teas. each of ground cinnamon and clove)
These are especially nice formed into balls, pressed down flat with a glass, and sprinkled with sugar.

1 cup pecans, almonds or other nut diced finely (best if almost ground, use a food processor or grinder)
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes + 1/4 cup minced in processor for decorating
Add nuts and coconut to dough, and shape into medium balls, about 1 tablespoon of dough per ball. Bake, and when out of the oven for 1-2 minutes but still warm, roll into coconut. An alternative decoration is to drizzle with white chocolate.

Additional ideas/ tips:
I like to make these three variations, leaving one quarter of the dough to make plain rolled cookies which I shape by cookie cutters, and decorate with diced fruit, sprinkled sucanat or homemade natural royal icing. These are especially fun to make with children. This dough is very versatile, consider altering the recipes above to suit your family's tastes.

I am happy to share this for Gnowfglins Gallery of Christmas Cookies.

For more great info on natural cookies, consider my e-cookbook.

See this Martha Stewart article, which inspired the idea of this dough and the recipes.

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